Tiny House

Tiny House Build & Unexpected Renovations!

It’s been just over three months since I went live with my blog! I’m so happy with the overwhelmingly positive response that I’ve received from so many people, thank you all for your emails and messages and subscriptions! So far over 25,000 reads, nearly 300 Instagram followers and nearly 600 Facebook followers!

Over the past 16 blog posts we’ve talked about choice of Tiny House design, council and planning and tradies that you’ll need to work on your project! We’ve talked about directional placement, heating and cooling, insulation and ventilation! 

And I’ve told you all about my off grid solar system, off grid water supply, septic and internet and TV connections in my Tiny House! I’ve tried to cover all of your most frequently asked questions with these posts, if I’ve missed anything on those topics let me know and I’ll answer as best I can!

So what’s next? 

In an unforeseen turn of events, since starting this blog about my Tiny House, I’ve actually been thrown into an unexpected renovation! I had a cracked tile in my bathroom that caused a water leak that got as far as damaging the bathroom/kitchen wall and the bathroom/bedroom wall! The damage was a lot more extensive than first anticipated so I’ve got some rebuilding going on at the moment! 

I’ve been so proud and happy with the look and design of my Tiny House, tearing things down to do repairs has been hard but I’m using this as an opportunity to add in some improvements and upgrades! I’m doing as much of the re build myself as I can, and I’m documenting it all to share it with you!

Over the coming weeks I’ll be posting on my blog with loads of photos and some video blogs, and all the details of each part of the build as we’re doing it! I’ll highlight for you some of the things I would have done differently the first time and the changes I make as the build progresses! Fingers crossed it all goes well as I’ll be posting as I go week by week!

Heaps to post up next week so keep watching!

Thanks for reading! 

Jen 🏡